Kalamunda | BIG Bobtail Lizard


BIG Bobtail Lizard Sculpture by Roman Antoniuk | Kalamunda

BIG Bobtail Lizard

The lizard you see before you is a giant replica of a Bobtail lizard. It's an entry statement to a small Art gallery called Kalamunda Modern. Both the Bobtail and the building were designed and built by the proprietor; Roman Antoniuk.

Kalamunda Modern was officially opened in 2016. Now some Wikipedia user named Stoowiki uploaded an image to The BIG Things of Australia page with an upload date of 2012 which I find really interesting. The sculpture was placed well before building occurred as seen in his image and for what ever reason the building took several years to complete

I've been unable to find much on Roman Antoniuk but I do remember a newspaper article from some years ago reporting on the sculpture in a rather negative light. I can sadly no longer find this article and really crave more information on this amazing sculpture 

📍 Kalamunda Modern, Kalamunda
