Darlinghurst | Russell Rodrigo

Darlinghurst | Gay and Lesbian Holocaust Memorial by Russell Rodrigo

Darlinghurst | Gay and Lesbian Holocaust Memorial by Russell Rodrigo
Russell Rodrigo |

Created in 2001 this sculpture by Russell Rodrigo lives among the tree's of Peace Park

It celebrates the memory of those abused in Australia and persecuted around the world based on their sexual beliefs.

The city of Sydney website tells me this sculpture is an LED installation and glows at night to provide hope and peace to those who walk past.

 The large pink triangle represents gay men while the black triangle is representative of lesbian women and together, along with the steal poles created a distorted Star of David. The prism is said to contain images of those who suffered persecution in the German concentration camps but upon a good inspection didn't see any etchings and wonder if this is noticeable at night when the sculpture glows.

I will be back for that night time photo!
