Lawson | Tunnel of Smurfs

Lawson Street Art | Pedestrian Tunnel full of smurfs
Unknown Artist

This isn't something I'd ever put on my map. Mat spotted this while finding a park for me to check out the Scott Nagy & Krimsone mural. I get a bit of tunnel vision when I drive. Mats so observant.. or irresponsible : P Get yo eyes back on the road!!! 

We walked the length of the tunnel and.... it was interesting but not impressive. The people have the same style as the sharps box out found outside the junkie facility so as soon as I know who painted one I'll know who painted both.

Lawson Street Art | Pedestrian Tunnel full of smurfsLawson Street Art | Pedestrian Tunnel full of smurfs

Lawson Street Art | Pedestrian Tunnel full of smurfsLawson Street Art | Pedestrian Tunnel full of smurfs

Lawson Street Art | Pedestrian Tunnel full of smurfsLawson Street Art | Pedestrian Tunnel full of smurfs

Lawson Street Art | Pedestrian Tunnel full of smurfs
