Cook | FaithSprays

 Canberra Street Art | Cook mural by Faithsprays


I arrived too late! There was very little light and despite my best camera efforts I could only think of one thing to do with photos that clearly show you needed to return the next day but simply didn't have time and that was to turn my picture to a black and white image.

It came out rather decent but it doesn't do the mural justice. I will return to Cook upon my next visit for a decent photo. 

The mural is a portrait of Dhani and is the second portrait of the Wiradjuri descendant FaithSprays has completed. Dhani was named Canberra citizen of the year at 16 years of age and continues to impress Faith. Along with the portrait Faith has painted local fauna and flora into the artwork and infused the two together to symbolize connection and the bond the Wiradjuri have with the land.

Canberra Street Art | Cook mural by FaithspraysCanberra Street Art | Cook mural by FaithspraysCanberra Street Art | Cook mural by Faithsprays

 📍 The Cook Grocer, Cook
