Holt | Paloma Ramos

Holt Public Art | Holt Library sculpture by Paloma Ramos
Paloma Ramos

These reminded me of  the game Pick up Sticks we use to play with as children but the sculpture is actually called 'New Blood' (Gateway Artworks.) I understand the Gateway part as it forms an arch but I'm struggling to see the title itself. Despite not seeing the artworks symbolism I enjoyed the colors and design. Both gave ''New Blood' a fun and whimsical air while still blending quite well with the surroundings. 

Holt Public Art | Holt Library sculpture by Paloma RamosHolt Public Art | Holt Library sculpture by Paloma RamosHolt Public Art | Holt Library sculpture by Paloma Ramos

📍 Libraries ACT - Kippax
