Mingenew | Wheat Sheaf Sculpture

BIG Wheat Sheaf Sculpture in Mingenew | Australian BIG Things
The BIG Wheat
Mingenew is proudly Australia's largest inland Wheat Capital of the country and what better way to celebrate the regions economic success than to erect a tribute sculpture 100 tines the scale.

So they did.

In 2001 artist Robert Hitchcock's Wheat sculpture was unveiled and the town and BIG Thing enthusiasts alike rejoiced.

The sculpture is featured in the towns park and I was rather surprised with having to wait in line to take my photo. It was apparently a popular landmark and a must do bucket list item for Mingenew.

The sculpture itself is 8m in height and the project which also incorporated the regions history came at a cost of $17,000.

Robert Hitchcock I'm to learn has made us many other goodies including the BIG Farmer monument in Carnamah 

📍 Cecil Newton Park, Mingenew
