
Gregory Hills | Distinctive Living Design
Distinctive Living Design It was a bit of a walk from 'Endure'  but this site is home to two sculptures with this artwork titled 'Junctions.' It's visible and …

Gregory Hills | Distinctive Living Design
Distinctive Living Design This is my last post for Gregory Hills. Two sculptures; Unfurling in LaValla Park and a sculpture in Bunya park were missing from their locations. A furt…

Gregory Hills | Distinctive Living Design & LUMP Studio
Distinctive Living Design & LUMP Studio I was only expecting one sculpture at this site and it wasn't this one. Turns out there's two sculptures here with this one bei…

Gregory Hills - Distinctive Living Design & LUMP Studio
Distinctive Living Design & LUMP Studio I looked past this sculpture into a tangle of trees and shrubs and didn't see a well loved, well kept or well maintained place. The…

Gregory Hills | Distinctive Living Design & LUMP Studio
Distinctive Living Design & LUMP Studio I thought this was a dragon or a seahorse of sorts but it turns out it's the tail of a lyrebird. The many tail feathers represent t…

Gregory Hills | Distinctive Living Design & LUMP Studio
Distinctive Living Design & LUMP Studio 'One of 15 public Artworks designed by Distinctive Living Designs and fabricated by Lump Studio. The sculpture is a metaphor for …

Gregory Hills | Distinctive Living Design
Distinctive Living Design   Distinctive was commissioned to design 15 public art installments across Gregory Hills and while I had 10 locations mapped a few were missing from the…